Kenneth Choo | Mother Industrialist On-the-go

Catherine Turner: The Power Of Femnine! | EP025 (2018)



Watch full episode here In this episode, I chat with Catherine who is an author, speaker, marketing consultant and entrepreneur where we talk about "THE POWER OF FEMININE!". She lives in a rural area in the Dakotas with her two teenagers and three pets, runs a marketing business and writes as often as she can. She considers her children to be her greatest accomplishment. She has traveled extensively and sees that as the best education available. Seeing a problem and finding a solution has always been a driving force for her, and was the impetus toward her starting her marketing business many years ago, as well as writing “Create A Legacy of Love”. When not writing or sticking her nose into her kids’ business, she can often be found gut-deep in conversation discussing any number of things with any number of people. The meatier the subject matter, the happier she is. She believes “Create A Legacy of Love” was given to her as an assignment directly from God. “Challenge accepte