Beyond Reason

From Military to Mediumship w/Dean McMurray



Dean McMurray is a native of Northern Minnesota and a 24-year Army Veteran. Today he lives in Fargo, ND with his wife and two children. Dean was not always aware of his abilities to communicate with spirits. It wasn’t until after an overseas deployment with the Army that his spirit guides decided it was time for him to step into his gifts and they paid him a visit! Although it was a shocking emersion into this new part of his life he hasn’t looked back. Every day he is guided to receive and share the love, light, and healing that comes through spirit. Working as a Spiritual Medium Dean contacted departed loved ones, angels and spirit guides by connecting the earth plane and spirit realm. These souls communicate telepathically through feelings and pictures. No words exist that can describe the intensity of this communication. As a Clairvoyant Dean receives visions of people, places and things of the past, present, and future. His Clairsentient gift means he can also receive psychic senses including smell, tast