Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 79: When Trying Being Healthy Impacts Your Mental Health



This week it was world mental health day and we thought it was the perfect opportunity to talk about mental health! There are some alarming statistics about how many people suffer from mental health problems in silence and we want to do what we can to change that. We wanted to specifically look at the impact of the social pressures of fitness on your mental health. The pressure to do certain exercises *cough* crossfit *cough* or use certain brands of equipment. When this pressure or your inability to meet the expectations of others prevent you from getting active. We talk about the pressure you can put on yourself and when that pressure feeds your negative emotions and impacts your mental health and then we give our tips to make sure that you don't let this pressure negatively affect you. The main message this week is that if you are suffering or feeling like you need help, that you ask for it. For recommendations, Robo recommends catching the IronMan World Championship highlight package and Tim recommends th