Colorful Eats

Episode 98: Real Food for Pregnancy with Lily Nichols, RDN, CDE



Today’s episode is all about pregnancy and who better to dig into the topic with than the expert herself, Lily Nichols, RD. Lily is the author of Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes and is so beautifully bridging the gap between the conventional medicine and functional medicine approaches to prenatal nutrition and wellness and empowering pregnant mamas with her evidence-based knowledge. On today’s episode, Lily shares how she’s married a real food approach to nutrition with her conventional nutrition training and how this has helped her to begin to shift the prenatal wellness paradigm for the better. She also dives into what inspired her to write her second book, Real Food for Pregnancy,  as well as the topics we all have questions about–how to deal with nausea, vomiting and food aversions; food fears, her take on food safety and all those “no-no” pregnancy foods; and a bit on her recommendations for blood sugar testing. We could have talked to Lily for hours and hours–her knowle