Pain Waves

Share Your Stories to Help Us Improve Patient Care!



Do you live with chronic pain? Have you had experience as a chronic pain patient in the British Columbia health care system? SHARE YOUR PATIENT EXPERIENCE WITH US!Educating health care practitioners is a big piece of Pain BC’s work. We hold annual educational conferences and are working with the British Columbia Medical Association on better educating family physicians and specialists on the latest pain management treatment, techniques, and care.To improve the patient experience of people living with pain, we want to hear from you! In this episode, Maria Hudspith, Executive Director of Pain BC, speaks about our current and upcoming educational initiatives and what we’re trying to achieve. Then we're joined by people living with pain who have a story to share about their experience with health care practitioners, answering some of these questions: In what ways has your health care team been effective, helpful, caring and compassionate? In what ways could they improve your patient experience ? If you were desig