Morris Sussex Sports

Interview with President of CCM Tony Iacono



In this episode of the podcast, Morris Sussex Sports interviews Dr. Tony Iacono, president of County College of Morris. MSS covers sports for 40 high schools in Morris, Sussex and parts of Warren counties. Many of those students will be heading off to college so we took the opportunity to interview Dr. Iacono to help students and families get an intimate look behind the scenes at the community college resource in our backyard. This is a fascinating look at the history of the school and the value prop County College of Morris provides young people in our community, adult students and what they are doing for local businesses in northern New Jersey. If college is in the future for you or your son or daughter, you must listen to this interview. About Dr. Iacono Dr. Anthony J. Iacono, a community college graduate, became the third president of County College of Morris (CCM) on September 1, 2016. Prior to that, he served as Vice President of Academic Affairs at Indian River State College (IRSC) in Fort Pierce, FL,