Lab Radio

Ep 9 - Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, co-founder of Rootstock, an Ethereum-level smart contract platform for Bitcoin



Diego is a veteran Technologist and Entrepreneur with a focus in Latin America and Argentina, having grown up there and along with various successful startups he built. Diego's track record includes being part of the founding teams of Clarín Digital (a top Argentina newspaper website), (a financial community eventually sold to Banco Santander), Internet Argentina (the first Argentinean ISP to provide ADSL), and Edunexo (a SaaS platform for educational institutions). He also founded countless startups including: Xinergia (web development company), Cero a Cien (tutoring platform for entrepreneurs), Arraiga (IT training platform) and Restocoins (a payment system for bitcoin) In 2011, Diego first encountered Bitcoin and feel in love with the technology and how it could benefit not only the world but Argentinean and Latin grassroots communities. This led to him co-founding Rootstock, the first open-source peer-to-peer smart-contract platform and payment network. Diego is also a relentless community bu