Lab Radio

Ep 30 - What is Cryptoeconomics and Token Economies? Featuring Stephanie Hurder, founding economist of the Prysm Group



Today we are exploring a fascinating intersection of disciplines, Cryptocurrency and Economics, called Cryptoeconomics (aka Cryptonomics or Tokenomics). To help dig deeper into these concepts we brought on Stephanie Hurder, a Harvard educated PhD economist, who is also a founding economist of the Prysm Group, a consulting firm focused on economic and governance. Stephanie is a Harvard-educated economist specializing in human capital, market design, and the future of work. While at the Boston Consulting Groups, Stephanie worked with Fortune 50 corporations and global NGOs to build effective organizations that are prepared for the future of work. She was recognized as a firm-wide expert on organizational effectiveness and design and co-authored multiple publications on these topics. Stephanie has held research positions at MIT, Microsoft Research, and Merrill Lynch, and given invited seminars to faculty at half a dozen top research universities across the country. She holds a PhD in business economics, an AM i