Impact Church Menifee




Nehemiah’s story shows that whenever you try to accomplish anything significant for the Lord, you will face strong opposition. The name “Satan” means “adversary”; he is committed to opposing God and His people, especially when they are zealous to exalt God’s glory. On the personal level as long as you live with one foot in the world, living according to the world’s values and for the world’s goals, Satan won’t often trouble you. You can go to church and even pray and read your Bible, and he won’t mind. But the minute you wake up from your spiritual lethargy, shake off the worldly mindset, and commit yourself to radical obedience to Jesus Christ, you will encounter spiritual opposition! We have all been called to make a difference in this world for God’s glory.  This call will require us to stand up and fight the opposition that is certain to come, so Fight! Scripture References Key Scripture:  Nehemiah 4 Nehemiah 4:1-23 Now when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was angry and greatly enraged,