Shift The Story Podcast

How To Do Good With J.Thorn - Shift The Story Podcast



My guest today is the prolific writer, and musician, J.Thorn. Whether you are a writer, or musician, or neither you will love what he has to say - with a little bit of laughter, a lot of wisdom. James talks about the practice of doing good. A simple, yet profound way to live. We discuss what he calls epic failure, and continuing on anyway. About the decision to not stop and to keep on with persistence and grit. How to be smart about your work. And most of all, trust the universe. I know you will be inspired by the way he chooses to see the world, and live his life. If each of us takes just a tiny piece of what he shares and makes it part of our lives, we would all experience a changed world. James has a new book that he co-wrote with Joanna Penn. Be sure to check it out in the show notes.