Shift The Story Podcast

No To Limitation and Yes To Adventure with Roxana Lewis - Shift The Story Podcast



Somewhere in the middle of this podcast with my guest Roxana Lewis you may be be saying to yourself “Wow - you’re kidding me.” By the end, you will be even more amazed. Seriously. Not kidding. Roxana went from considering herself an ordinary and normal person to discovering she isn’t, and neither are any of us if we so choose. She even explains what to do to find our non-normal and extraordinary self. Here's a hint about something you will find in this podcast. Roxana says, "DISRUPT AGING. While some think of aging as decline, I think of it as growth. There are those that say older people are burdens, I think I am a contributor." I don’t want to give too much away. Get ready to hear how she shifted her story, and let her inspire us to make the same kind of shift in our lives.