Shift The Story Podcast

Choose To Live A Creative Life With Claudia Taller - Shift The Story Podcast



One day I told my husband that I was going to add more into my life that I love, because I love it, and only for that reason. The next time I checked my email I found an email from someone I did not know, offering a retreat with all the creative things I had just said I wanted to add more of into my life. And I could drive to it! Of course I had to ask the email writer Claudia Taller to be a guest on this podcast. She had read my mind. Claudia writes and talks about a life spent exploring creativity. Write because you want to, draw because it moves you, in fact do what moves you, no matter what it is. Live creatively! Isn’t she speaking our language? How did she come to the decision to live that kind of life? What shifts did she, and does she make in order to do so? Listen and she’ll share the how and why on this podcast as we shift the story together.