Father Snort

To Sustain the Weary With a Word - Audio



Brad Sullivan Proper 19, Year B September 16, 2018 Emmanuel, Houston Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 116:1-8 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 To Sustain the Weary With a Word Years ago, when I was youth minister and assistant priest, one of the youth in the church said to me, apropos of absolutely nothing, “You shouldn’t even be paid. All you do is talk for a living.” She said it with a smile…I think she was joking. We laughed. There is a lot of talking in my job, and one thing I pointed out was, “hey, I gotta eat.” Hopefully what I’m really doing through all this talking, is sustaining the weary with a word. That’s what God had Isaiah do in his years of prophesying to Judah: sustain the weary with a word. Judah had not yet been taken into captivity by Babylon, and Isaiah prophesied both warnings of coming captivity and promises of restoration. Throughout Isaiah’s messages of warning and