Footnotes Of History

22 - Peterloo: The hot take, 200 years on



Show notes: The release of a new film this very year means one particular event is undoubtedly going to be crowding the headlines of any right-thinking tabloid and broadsheet this autumn. This is of course the Peterloo Massacre. Its exact anniversary is August next year, but the film commemorating the event – directed by Mike Leigh of kitchen-sink-drama fame – is being polished for “The Can” as we speak. And we at FOH wanted to get our wild opinions out there before you all rush out to see it. The Peterloo Massacre of course - as you will all know – was a monstrous incident in which a demonstration in Manchester’s St. Peter’s Fields on 16 August 1819 was attacked by the army. Accident or otherwise, at least 15 were killed, with up to 400 injured. As you will find out in this episode –Mike Leigh captures a whole host of other issues that we are excited to see pan out on-screen. And it wouldn’t be Footnotes of History without being a bit contrarian!