George Digianni Health And Wellness

Your New doctor & Patient Concerns



Dr. Jane Orient Your doctor might not be dedicated to (or skilled at) finding the correct diagnosis or best treatment for The De-sciencing of American Medicine and What It Means to You. Darrell Kirch of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), intends to redefine what makes a good doctor.  Physicians who reveal an improper attitude are being purged now So where does this leave patients? They might lose their trusted, highly skilled physician, who was dedicated to making them well but who revealed a politically incorrect belief that is irrelevant to their care... Your doctor might not be dedicated to (or skilled at) finding the correct diagnosis or best treatment for you. That might even be contrary to his/her duty to improve population health or cosmic justice With all the talk about “evidence-based medicine,” you might think that doctors were becoming much more focused on rigorous science. But like the names attached to bills in Congress—such as the Affordable Care Act, which outlaws a