Trench Talk With Matt Reynolds

#028: Ben Sofowora | Meditation 3



Ben Sofowora (@bensofowora) has put together a 3-part introductory series on meditation for you, this is part 3 (episode 28). Please navigate back to episode 25 of the podcast for the full series introduction. Episode 26 is a quick meditation designed to help you release stress. It can be done in any position, even seated so this works perfectly in busy places like seated at an office desk or in a stationary car (parked safely). Episode 27 is a slightly longer meditation designed to help you release a more general level of stress and reconnect you with nature. It again can be done seated or lying and it works particularly well in a garden setting. Episode 28 is a meditation designed to help you gain strength, confidence and become resilient. This meditation can be done sitting, standing or lying down. I’ve separated these three sessions into separate podcasts to make them much easier to access again in the future without having to sit through my long-winded introduction. Come back to these 3 recordings whenev