Marketing In Your Car - The Archives

Episode #240 – One Little Golden Nugget



The post Episode #240 – One Little Golden Nugget appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... One cool trick I picked up from the mastermind. On today's episode Russell talks about a little nugget of good information he received at the Inner Circle Mastermind group. He also tells a story of something cool he did twice at the mastermind. Here are some fun things to listen for in this episode: What part of the mastermind group made Russell have his "ah ha" moment, and why he thinks nobody else caught it. How this simple golden nugget will change some of the ways he does things. And why he wrote one of the Inner Circle member's webinar pitch. So listen below to find out what simple golden nugget Russell got out of the mastermind group. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone who enters my world goes through this the time they end, they can come in our normal, Seinfeld s