Tenacious Living Network

The Heather Andrews Show | Dr Stacey Latimer Cooper - Tenacious Living Network



Dr Stacey Latimer Cooper   Dr. Stacey Latimer Cooper joins us in this episode of the Heather Andrews Show where she will talk about Creating Balance in this Chaotic World! The key highlights of this interview are: Why do so many find their lives to be so stressful? Why is balance important in our lives? What is all the hype about? How can we each create more balance in our own life? Get To Know More About Dr. Stacey Dr. Stacey Cooper, wholistic health and wellness expert, founder of Lifestyle Balance Solutions, author of the Healthy Fuels Cookbook, International Best-Selling Author of “What’s Self Love Got To Do With It?”, creator of the Healthy Eating Blueprint and the Balanced Living Academy. Dr. Stacey is also a wife to her high school sweetheart Dean, and they have 4 children. What lead Dr. Cooper to initially create Lifestyle Balance Solutions was in[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Dr Stacey Latimer Cooper appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.