Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 73: How To Stop Giving In To Cravings



There is nothing worse than that little voice in your head that tells you that not only do you want the chocolate but that you need the chocolate. Cravings are something that most people deal with but they don't have to rule you! This week we want to help you by providing our tips to not give in to your cravings. We talk about avoiding stress or other emotions which trigger cravings, eating enough healthy and nutritious food so you don't have room for the sweet treats you crave but don't need. We suggest not cutting things out of your diet entirely, following a plan, making certain foods 'sometimes' foods and finding healthier alternatives to those bad things you crave. We also give many more tips but you will just have to listen to find out! We struggle through an article about the most entertaining and exciting ways to lose belly fat (I even feel like I am writing sarcastically) and give some insight into the upcoming guests we will have on the show. For recommendations this week, Tim recommends the game Do