Champions Of Change

Simon Mainwaring says "Hey! We First!" Halo Effects of Working Together to go Farther vs going alone with Lindsay Christianson on Champions of Change



Today we welcome Simon Mainwaring !  Simon is Australian, married for 25 years, and has 2 daughters. When he's not wrestling with language, he likes to spend all his time in the oceanSimon is the CEO and founder of We First, a company committed to building businesses as a force for good. He is a deep believer in the power of storytelling to help positive change at scale.  His vision is to help companies use story telling to create shifts in thinking and behavior that will drive growth and increase their positive impact. He believes that we each have a personal responsibility to play an active role in creating the change that we want to see in the world.The most highly underleveraged tool for doing so is a business.  He says, we only know what we're truly capable of when we consistently put ourselves outside of our comfort zone.By doing so, you find fulfillment for yourself and hopefully get to inspire others. After many years in the advertising industry struggling to find my own sense of purpose., he came to