Tales From The Road With Rick Lavoie

...a new year, a new feature



For the past 30+ years, I have worked at residential schools for kids with special needs. This experience allowed me to have a "laboratory" wherein I could observe these kids on a 24-hour basis and monitor their academic and social lives. Over these decades I have developed countless field-tested strategies and methods to assist these special kids with their daily struggles. At this point in my career, my personal and professional mission is to share what I have learned with parents and professionals throughout the country. Since 2001, I have delivered seminars and provided consulting services in 25 states, New Zealand, Canada and Hong Kong. I am greatly enjoying my travels and I have discovered something wonder-filled since I began these journeys... I am LEARNING as much as I am TEACHING! I constantly cross paths with extraordinary parents, professionals and pupils. There are some wonderful people and programs out there designed and dedicated to serve "our kids". So often -- as I fly back home from my latest