Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Reaping the Benefits of Compounded Celestial Energies



**Recorded from my Facebook group on 7/27/18. Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde and Lion's Gate Portal. Oh my! In this video, I'm discussing how the convergence of these celestial energies is not a punishment, but rather a gift. It is a loving invitation to look at what's working in your life, and to release what (and who) isn't! Transformation is imminent! Don't run screaming from it! Embrace it- because it is what your soul has been asking for.   ** It's an excellent time for planning and for getting your mindset and in alignment for the massive push of full-tilt transformation that you've been asking for. 5 Day Masterclass, From A to Be-ing, How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. It is chock full of great value and content for a very small investment!