Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Collapsing Timelines and the Quantum Field Of the Mind Part 1



**Recorded from my Facebook group, Ascending Earth Creatrix on 8/17/18. When we are making the leap from the Collapsing Timelines in 3D consciousness to higher vibe timelines of 5D, we often forget that much of what we have experienced, or what we are actively experiencing, is coming up for review. When we see and feel the contrast of what's falling away, the universe is ASKING us if we're really done with it. If we are, it is our responsibility to choose a new way of being.   This is a prime opportunity to start accessing an aspect of mind, The Higher Perspective Quantum Field of Mind, to create new ways of being that are independent of and unidentified by the dominion of the subconscious.   We are literally limiting our ability to create new behaviors based on the commonly held belief that the subconscious controls 90% or more of the mind.   All parts of you are experiencing the Ascension process, including the mind!