Zeph Daniel Music

MAUI 911 (Version 3)



MAUI 911 by Zeph Daniel (c) copyright Carova Media, LLC The mystery of emergency… is you. I saw you standing there without a care. The mystery of emergency is you Death comes to us all in due time Death comes to us all, a nursery rhyme. Nine One One (911) Nine One One, the call was made…. They wheeled him out in a flat bed He wasn’t really moving at all The mystery of emergency is you. Welcome to you own unfolding. Where or where will you go? What do you wanna know? Why do you always watch the train wreck? Now you watch from afar You affect the outcome Why do you always watch the train wreck? The mystery of emergency is you The mystery of emergency is you You watch. You wonder. You blunder and then…. It all comes to you. Sirens whir and red lights flash… And in the twilight of experience You have peace beyond all measure. You see a light So bright.