Zeph Daniel Music




YOU HEALED ME - PSALM 30 - DCP Rich Keltner Composition, Zeph Daniel Mix, Lyrics, and Vocals (c) Carova Media, LLC Yeah, oh yeah I cried to You Oh, Lord and You healed me Oh yeah By Your favor Made the mountains stand strong You hid your face and I was troubled I cried to you, Oh God Unto the will of You I will make supplication I say, What profit is there in my blood when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? Shall it declare Your Truth? Oh Yeah To the end that I may sing glory Unto You and not be silent Oh Lord, My God I will give thanks to You Forever and ever You lifted me up You did not lift my enemies You stopped them from rejoicing over my fall You stopped them Lord From laughing at my distress Which they thought they caused and yet when I cried out to you You healed me You healed me Yeah yeah…. You healed me I looked up to You You brought me up from the dead which surrounded me You gave me life You stopped my descent into the grave Your anger endures only a moment (I deserve