Holistically Healing Anxiety | Anxiety Coach | Stacie Younger

Episode 37: Laughter is the Best Medicine With Mitch Younger



In this episode I interview my husband, my best friend, my love, my goof ball!  I am so lucky to be married to this guy and I admire him greatly.  I love that is one those guys that can honestly say, this is me take or leave it.  He does have no brain mouth filter and usually will say what is on his mind.  There are a couple of times where he does get brutally honest, so if you are the type that gets offended easily, this may not be the episode for you.  I am pretty much laughing the whole way through though.  We talk briefly about how we got together, how we have been together for over 18 years and married for 17 and his perspective on being married to someone (me) who has struggled with severe/chronic anxiety.  He shared some amazing tips on this subject and is very knowledgeable on this topic, because he went on this journey with me.  He was by my side the entire time.  Challenge:  For every time you hear us say “No, not really…” do some kind of exercise (like 30 jumping jack or 20 push ups).  ***I also wa