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{39} | "PUBG's Freefall, Apple App Store Gaming, FaZe legal issues, & the PLG E3 Predictions"



In EP. 39, Solo & Lilo cover the week's top gaming stories. For June 6 we take a look at: Quick Scope: (1) Square Enix abandoning mobile 'GO' series. (2) Gaming accounts for 75% of Apple App Store Revenue. (3) Bungie gets 100 million dollars from Chinese company NetEase. (4) PUBG users down 44% since January. (5) Nintendo Stock sees a massive decline leading up to E3. (6) Massive security bug in Steam stuck around for 15 years. (7) FaZe being sued by FAZE apparel. (8) & more! Game Spotlight: (-) Mario Tennis Aces The Final Lap: (-)"E3 Predictions"