Burnt Out

22 | HH Pomodoro Technique



Have you ever realized, nearing the end of a work day, that you didn't get done nearly as much as you set out to do??  As someone who highly values efficiency and productivity, experience makes me feel bad. Burnt out bad. Sometimes I feel like I'm just not a highly productive person or that I expect too much of myself and I need to lower the bar, which can feel bad too.  Still, I wasn't ready to accept those thoughts. When a friend of mine suggested we try a productivity technique, I was both intrigued and excited. It turned out fantastically within the first few hours! I'd like to share that technique with you, so that you might be able to experience the same great productive feelings.  The Pomodoro Technique  The main problem we have when we are trying to get so many things done, is that we go for too many things all at once. Switching between tasks and projects takes up so much more precious time than we realize and causes us to have that "It's already 5:00!!" feeling.   The Pomodoro Technique helps you ge