Burnt Out

25 | SMART



Regina Mtonga is one of three founding members of Asikana Network. Asikana is an organization that engages females in STEM, with a particular interest in Technology. The main focus is training capable women in the tech space and creating a safe environment where women are free to explore this world of STEM without judgement and fear. Currently Regina's official title is PR & Fundraising Director. She has a background in Computer Science and continues to do programming and practices software engineering aside her responsibilities with Asikana. You can find the Asikana Network on social media: Facebook | Twitter  Asikanna is also partnered with Taungana.  The Burnt Out Experience Regina was focused on school. She was loving computers and all things programming. She was also dealing with some hardship in school though. As a female in the STEM field, Regina was named called at school and told she wouldn't become what she had dreamed of.  Still, her parents were extremely supportive and she kept her mind to t