Burnt Out

35 | NORM



Let’s get Burnt Out with Andrea Hall! Who is Andrea? Andrea Hall is a wife, mom, transformational health coach, and recovering job juggler! Andrea holds a Masters of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling; is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Family Life Educator, and professional Communication Coach! She has a passion for seeing potential in uncommon faces. What is feeling Successful? Feeling successful is sort of like a mirage.. it's a good one though! It's like goal setting, but we all know that as soon as you reach that goal, you set another one father away. It's like picking up rocks... not one is the same and they all help build your gorgeous tower. What is feeling Burnt Out? For Andrea, feeling burnt out can mean a few different things. It could be not wanting to get out of bed, having a headache, when your stomach is in knots. Also, what are you doing at work? Is it the same thing every single day? Is it cookie cutter? Salt and pepper are good, but using only salt and pepper every single day get old