Burnt Out




Karen Marie Jenkins believe her surroundings play a big part in getting burnt out, but also in contentment! Shall we find out why? Who is Karen? Karen Marie Jenkins is a visual brand artist, writer and personal brand/editorial photographer. She is the owner of Karen Marie Images & Branding, a personal brand/editorial photography business primarily serving women and girls. Her mission is to empower entrepreneurs, in particular business women by producing creative, and unique 'stand out' images that reflect their brand message and aligns with who they are. Karen Marie supports women by producing 'eye-catching' images that truly represent who they are and who they desire to be without apology. Karen Marie is invested not only in how business women and girls represent themselves, but in empowering them to embrace their power, authenticity and truth with confidence and style by creating an uplifting environment that produces engaging images that tell their story and visually represents their brand. What is fee