Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 70: Giving Up On Guilt



Guilt is a useless emotion. It leads to a whole range of more difficult emotions and if left unchecked can lead to depression and other serious conditions. We both experience our share of guilt over a whole range of things so we thought it would be a good idea to try and give you all some tips on how to give up on grief and not let it control you. We give a whole range of tips for your Think Fit Toolbox. We go through things like accepting that guilt is normal and that we all make mistakes. That saying sorry when you make a mistake is the first step to not letting your guilt control you. We also talk about the fact that when someone makes you feel guilty about you it is more likely something that they don't like about themselves. This week, we present groundbreaking research from that laughter can emphasise your workout. 100 laughs are the same as 15 minutes of cardio! For recommendations this week, Robo recommends making time for yourself and Tim recommends All Press Coffee http://allpresses