Colorful Eats

Episode 90: Listener Questions—Vegetarianism, Adaptogens & Baby’s First Foods



We’re back with another listener question episodes and today we’ve got some great questions that came in from a few of our awesome listeners. We love these episodes because they allow us to connect to you on a more personal level, addressing the very questions, issues, concerns, and interests you have within your personal health journey. Today we’re answering questions about juggling the AIP and GAPS diets, the best foods to introduce to new little eaters and why rice cereal is not recommended, dental hygiene and fluoride use, our thoughts on a vegetarian diet and if medicinal mushrooms and adaptogens are safe while pregnant and breastfeeding. This is a beefy episode and we loved today’s questions! We are so grateful for YOU, our listener, and your continued love and support! We are always looking for episode topics that fit our audience of health conscious women so please feel free to comment with any ideas on food and lifestyle questions. You can also message us on Instagram or send us a direct email.