Facdev Media Training Series

Adding a Link to a RSS Feed



Click on the title of this blog posting to listen to this podcast episode. The transcript is provided below.:: Transcript ::In order for students or colleagues to subscribe to your podcast, they need to either know the URL for the XML feed of your podcast or they need to be able to easily find the link to the URL. Since XML feed addresses can be cumbersome to distribute to your intended audience via email, the easiest way to spread the word about your podcast is to add a link to your XML feed to the blog you've created for your podcast.If you visit the FacDev Media Training Series blog that was created to correspond with this podcast at facdevmedia.blogspot.com, you'll notice in the right column there is a text link listed for "Podcast Feed – XML." Also, if you scroll down the page slightly you'll see a section called "Subscribe" in which are posted several different buttons which also link to the XML feed for the podcast. The link that you create for your podcast can be either a text link, button, or bot