Awesomecast: Tech And Gadget Talk

Episode 37: AwesomeCast 37: ChachiCast



Rob de la Cretaz, Tony â??Chachiâ?? Walker, AJ Kuftic and "Uncle Crappy" Mike Pound are taking the show on sans Sorg as they talk about AOL's latest acquisition in Huffington Post, The Daily, and just what should be done with the supposedly for sale Myspace? Please support our friend at as he games for 24 hours February 11 -12 for Make Room for Kids and the Mario Lemeiux Foundation! Join the AwesomeCast on Twitter, Facebook,, and be sure to follow us on iTunes in both videoand audioformats, as well as YouTube, Boxee, Roku, and! As always, you can chime in with news, thoughts, or comments at or 724-25-A-CAST.