Awesomecast: Tech And Gadget Talk

Episode 69: AwesomeCast 69: Squishy When I Sit



We are live from Podcamp Pittsburgh 6! Rob, Mike, and Chachi recap their thoughts on the weekend's events of Social Media Unconferencing! We talk to Mike Pound AKA Uncle Crappy of the Beaver County Times about his thoughts and how his Trolls session went, the Doppleganger of @lonelysandwich AKA Matt from I Prefer Booze Hound, Carla Swank of Yahoo's, Norm Huelsman of Stromhuelsman Podcast and, have our friends Beth Albert and Christopher Beech of ThickBikes help continue the tradition of stickers on her butt. We also talk about the discrediting of Klout, the tremendous keynotes by Jeremy Fuksa, Sean Ammirati, the origin of the show's name, Shout outs to Sticker Giant! Picture courtesy Uncle Crappy. Find more pics from Podcamp here! Join the AwesomeCast on Twitter, Facebook and be sure to follow us on iTunes in both video and audio formats, as well as YouTube, Boxee, Roku, and! As always, you can chime in with news, thoughts, or comments at or 724-25-A-CAST