Awesomecast: Tech And Gadget Talk

Episode 156: Awesomecast 156: Fabulous Skelator Wedding



Another thrilling edition of Awesomecast is here! This time we are not chilling in the dark on our Iphones! Our guests this week are Cynthia Closkey from, John Carman and the always lovable Cha Chi! Cynthia starts out discussing Say The Same Thing by the band OK GO! The goal of the game is to think of the same word as the person you are playing with. If you would like to play it, play with Cynthia at ccloskey! Sorg brought up invisible headphones that can be implanted into your ears! Cha Chi brings up the social implications if ear phones like these become the norm! John talks about JB dubs, a formally trained dancer with some â??alternativeâ?? dancing videos you can find on video. Check them out! Cha Chi brings up Avenger Alliance, a game he really enjoys via Facebook, but then brings up something not so awesome; Google's Music. He has been able to use it on his computer, but not on the phone. Much like Spotify. Cynthia and the gang discuss Google Reader going und