Adventures In Branding

Brainstorm Like A Boss



If you haven't heard of SPEAK With Confidence yet, you've taken the summer off from the internet. Good for you! To catch you up, we're getting ready to launch our October Accelerator and not only is it BIGGER than before with a super fun 3-day 4-night agenda - I’m giving more of it away to you! I just put together a 7-week podcast series on the 7 chapters for the workbook and online course and you get it all FREE - right here on the podcast. Warning: If you don't want to get better at facilitating workshops, giving presentations, asking for a raise, or giving talks on stages, skip this series altogether. If you want to rock your talks, the next 7 weeks will give you everything you need. For week 1, let's get all of your ideas out of your head. Most people jump right into writing their talks when they’re building one out and so many jam-pack it with all sorts of things that aren't necessary just because they have something to talk about. Dumping out your brain allows you to see all of your stories and ide