Winning At Work And Home Podcast

Winning at Work and Home Episode #99



Winning at Work and Home Podcast Episode #99....A Weekend Assignment for You. (*PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ANOTHER IT MAY BENEFIT*)1. Write down on paper (journal) the Key Areas of Your Life. Examples: Faith, Marriage, Parenting, Health, Career . . 2. Next to Key Area, on a scale from 1 to 10, what is your current rating in that area. Example: marriage is not going well so maybe a 2, 3, or 4. BE HONEST. If you put down a 10 in an area give me a call as I would love to know how you do it :) 3. Identify 1-2 Actions you can start Monday to begin to move those areas upward. 4. Write down next to those actions WHY taking those ACTIONS are important. What is your big REASON. ***This should take less than 1 hour. . . GET IT DONE***