Think Fit

Thin Fit Episode 66: Accepting That All Good Things Take Time



We are all different. We have different bodies, metabolism, talents, jobs, families, backgrounds and preferences of peanut butter. What takes 2 weeks for one person might take 2 years for another. That doesn't mean that either person is any better or worse than anyone else. This week we discuss how important it is to accept that your weight loss journey will take exactly as long as it will take. Not as long as it took Tim, or as long as it took that guy from Subway that turned out to be a bad bloke... Once you can accept that there are no shortcuts, that in order to be successful you will need to put in the hard yards, you will have an easier time of it. But hey! This is Think Fit BABY! We do what we can to make it easier for you to be successful! So this week we talk all about the ways you can become better at accepting that good things take time. We talk about the importance of being honest about what you need to achieve and how you need to achieve it, being nice to yourself and supporting yourself through