Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 68: The Importance of Being Present



Time, we all think we have it until it runs out. How many people say they will start the diet tomorrow or finally use their gym membership next week. How many actually do? This week we want to talk about making the most of now. About being present in the now to make sure you don't put off the important things until tomorrow. Focusing on what has happened in the past and what could happen in the future leads to difficult emotions which can be barriers to getting active now. We discuss why it is difficult to be present in today's world, what being present means to both of us and ways to be present. Our tips this week include acknowledging your current situation, owning your choices, understanding the priority you give different things and of course meditation. We also make some other suggestions to make the most of now including telling the people you care about that you care about them, taking time to appreciate what you are doing and to not leave things for future you. In an amazing moment of brilliance, Robo