Productive Audio Show With Michael Sliwinski

Donating to Charity and #ALSIceBucketChallenge by Michael Sliwinski



Today I want to focus on donating money to charity. How we can help others, create our own "charity fund" and how we ca actively and generously participate in the #ALSIceBucketChallenge. At the end of the video I'll share my own ice bucket challenge (being nominated by @karolzielinski) and I'll nominate @simongrabowski, @alexpl and @wiktorschmidt. I donated $100 to each of these charities: - ALS: DIGNITAS DOLENTIUM - STOWARZYSZENIE 'DAJMY DZIECIOM MIŁOŚĆ': PIOTR RADON - POMORSKIE STOWARZYSZENIE OSÓB Z CHOROBAMI REUMATYCZNYMI In this episode you'll get all the details and see me really get wet