Sidewalk Radio With Gene Kansas

The CDC: A Healthy History



For todays show Gene examines the physical and cultural impact of the Center for Disease Control - better known as the CDC - the only government agency headquartered outside of Washington DC. The relationship between the CDC and Atlanta traces all the way back to the malaria epidemic of the early 20th century, but it has grown more over time. In the Atlanta community, the CDCs impact cannot be understated. It is measured by prestige, progress and even in terms of economic development, bringing new business to the city and to the region. Today, the CDC is also fostering an environment of collaboration: through design, through education, and even by way of Zombies…yes, Zombies. Our three guests are: (1) Dan Watch, an architect for Perkins+Will who helped lead the design of CDCs newest Atlanta campus (2) JULIE RHOAD, President and CEO of the NAMES Project Foundtion which oversees the AIDS Memorial Quilt and (3) DAVID DAIGLE. agency spokesperson for the CDC and creator of the Zombie Apocalypse campaign.