Talking Financial Literacy Podcast,

Talking Fin Lit Ep 37: Lynn Raymond, Banker aka Teacher Interview, Email:



What's all this buzz about banks inside of High Schools? About High Schoolers actually running banks? Lynn Raymond, a former bank vice president turned business teacher, shares with us what these new trends and exciting developments in financial literacy are all about! Learn how she got started in bringing banking into the school, the possible pitfalls and the necessary tools to get such programs off the ground. All and all, another exciting interview that sheds light on new innovations in Teaching Financial Literacy! Visit the Talking Fin Lit website for complete show notes and resources You may email the podcast hosts with comments and suggestions at Financial Literacy is Mission Critical Lifelong Learning. Talking Fin Lit is produced by Mark Gura and Kathleen King and copyrighted by The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008-2011