Twin Stick Radio

Ep 24 - Eurogamer Sticks it to Sony!



This week on Twin Stick Radio, Amy Hennig confirms that she has left EA, Halo is getting a TV show on Showtime, State of Decay has some new content coming now and in the future, Bethesda is suing Warner Brothers over the West World game, PUBG drops their lawsuit against Fortnite, and Eurogamer puts Sony on the spot of their Fortnite fiasco. Follow the show on Twitter @TwinStickRadio and on Facebook! Make sure you subscribe and review the show on iTunes, the Google Play Store, and your other favorite podcast apps. You can follow the guys on Twitter. Trey is @DarthTrey, Chris is @ShortChangeH3ro, and Justin is @JustinTLopez. The show is produced by Everett Jordan. Follow him on Twitter @TheFiftySixth. The show is Edited by Conor Manning, give him a follow @ConorThirteen and checkout the work he does for Down Stream Studios.