Stand Up And Shine

From midlife crisis to total transformation



  There comes a time in ones life when going through the motions isn't enough.  You look around and aren't fullfilled and don't know what to do, except to do the same thing that has lead up to this point.  You feel stuck in a midlife crisis and trying to figure out how to get out of the midlife crisis.  Joel Ingram is an inspiring person who did just that.  He had a midlife crisis and decided to work toward his transforamtion.  He is a husband, father and son who is not only trying to improve his life but that of his family.  He is aspiring to create a life of adventure and eperieinces.  Ultimately, he hopes to leave the world better for having been in it.Joel Ingram can be found on:website: at Midlife Crisis Man For iPhone users: iTunes Podcast: Midlife Crisis Man Android users: Shout Engine: Midlif Crisis Man