Inside The Bearcats Podcast

Inside the Bearcats Podcast: 5.16.13 -- Enquirer reporter Bill Koch



Enquirer reporter Bill Koch joins me on the podcast this week. If you haven't read Bill's five-part series on the state of UC athletics, stop and do so now. It's required reading for any Bearcats fan at this point. Here's the main UC page with all the pieces listed. Bill joins as we talk about what he discovered chatting with nearly every figure involved in creating the past, present and future of UC athletics. We also delve into the optimism, frustration and general awkwardness that comes with maneuvering through such a difficult landscape as that which evolved over the last few years. Of course, the conversation tangents to cookies, golden quote nuggets and spurned girlfriends, but was as informative as any podcast you will hear anywhere in covering the state of the program. Thanks again to Bill for joining. You, of course, can read his regular reporting on UC athletics here at, follow him on Twitter here @bkoch or hit up his blog at this link. Remember, you