Ibc Podcast

IBC 040, 9 Facts About Absent Fathers - IBC PODCAST



9 Facts About Absent Fathers In this episode, Mayra and I, discuss the 9 Facts About Absent Fathers in their children lives.  Systemically and socially, the care and upbringing of our children have been the responsibility of the mothers; who've done a magnificent job. However, to underestimate the importance of fathers in their homes and their involvement in their children's lives means to neglect their role. Alarming Factors: I'd like to advocate on the importance of fathers’ involvement in the lives of their children. The alarming consequences of absent fathers are the responsibility of all societies. Here are the alarming factors: 1 out of 3: According to the US Census Bureau, 24 million children in the US, 1 out of 3 children lives without their biological father in the home. Poverty: children who lack a father figure are four times more likely to suffer from poverty. Behavioral problems: children who lack a father figure tend to have more behavioral problems. Juvenile pregnancy: the risk of preg