George Digianni Health And Wellness

What you didn't know about high blood pressure & how to control it



Nearly half of all adults (150 Million) in the United States have high blood pressure, according to the most recent statistics from the American Heart Association. Could you benefit by defying your doctors advice to use meds for decreasing high blood pressure and rely on other proven methods? Dr. Steven Helschien ( is the founder of Level 1 Diagnostics and Level 1 Therapeutics. He retired in 2000 to pursue his passion of creating new paradigms for preventative cardiology and integrative psychiatry. Dr. Helschien is considered a leading authority on heart rate variability, pulse wave velocity and carotid ultrasonography. He is also an expert on the use of neurofeedback and brain training. He has authored booklets on "Stress and Anxiety," "Blood Pressure," "Yoga," "Meditation," "Sleep", "Heart Health", and "Diabetes," and created a workbook,  "Staying on Track.” His monthly articles can be found in the Townsend Letter for Doctors. While adequate treatment is crucial and there are many approaches, f