Champions Of Change

Mystic Sujith Ravindran Making More Abundant Positive Change by Connecting to Your Soul 1st Purpose 2nd on Champions of Change w Lindsay Christianson



Today on Champions of Change I host a Friend and Mystic, Sujith Ravindran ! Sujith advocates for People to make a true connection with their Soul. So that you can get a clear and direct message from your Soul 1st, and the calling that leads to choosing a Purpose.  I'm excited to have him on as his voice is very soothing and engaging at the same time. He is a advocate for the Human Potential with in all of us. As a speaker, writer, and author his message of true presence through relentless detachment, is a mindset that is contra to most career minds in the West. Sujith believes that to really disclose and understand who he is, He must maintain silence.BUT he knows for us, of course, and for most of us, he needs to speak.Sujith was raised in India and has has done things like teach ancient wisdom people seeking purpose and meaning. He also facilitates people's path finding pilgrimages, by finding and leading new paths for him self as he leads others.He shares a some ideas and lessons, from the Profound Reposito